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How to make a choice between Yaxin-1241 and Yaxin -1242 Leaf Area Meter?
Hits:3824 Title:2012-04-23


    Among the inquiries from our Customers, there is often a puzzle of making a choice between Yaxin-1241 and Yaxin -1242. According to your specific demands of application, some criteria are here for you to solve the problem about Yaxin-1241 or Yaxin -1242.

   When following one or more demands must be satisfied, it is suggested to choose Yaxin-1241:

l        Measure a leaf with a longer leafstalk, as of fruit tree, decorative plant or forest tree

l        Measure an off-stem leaf

l        Measure a gross area of a lot of leaves     

Yaxin – 1241 may once measure the total sum of area for a number of leaves.

l        Measure the broken spaces and holes due to farm chemicals or worms

l        Measure the specially shaped leaves (as of pine, herbage, alfalfa, Arabidopsis etc.)

l        Measure the petite and tender leaves


   If following one or more demands have to be met, a choice of Yaxin – 1242 would be suggested:

l        Measure a leaf with length longer than 20 cm

l        Measure the leaves on a higher twigs of a tree

l        Make a quick measure for a single leaf

l        Measure the leaves without a long petiole (as of wheat, rice or sugar cane etc.)

   Apparently, the object to be measured and the application of the above two Models are not identical, however there is the same quality specification and no difference at the accuracy between them.  

   Since the diversity of plant leaves, it is impossible to adapt to all the types of plant leaves for the available function of the two Models. When any unusual demands of measuring happen to you, welcome contact us, we would be pleased to consult and discuss any novel application with you, even helpfully for you to achieve any new results.         



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